Proactive advocacy for issues and policies that will promote and protect your cross-border business. We have an excellent track record and high level private, governmental and public contacts that have been proven effective in supporting and influencing pro-business issues.
Valuable assistance through United States-Mexico trade information and resources. Competition is global and intense. We have the experience and seasoned staff to help you increase value in your company.
Business Referrals: We receive numerous inquiries each week requesting information on quality businesses of every conceivable type. We only refer our members.
Website Listing: Our website is a great source for business referrals. Depending on your membership level, we can include a map to your business and a link to your web site. You are just a few clicks away from a new customer.
Membership discounts on valuable business services and products. Every savings that adds to your bottom line counts!
Exceptional networking opportunities: Whether through technology, seminars and conferences, programs and speakers or trade missions, our ability to connect you to the right people at the right time is outstanding.